Mon/Thurs Soccer - Summer 17/18

02 November 2017, 6:45PM
Nates Lovers
  • Emes (3', 3', 3', 4', 6', 11', 19', 33')
  • Sumpton (3', 8', 17', 24', 34')
  • burton (27')
  • Struthers (29')
  • boots (35')
  • gray (5', 18', 31')
  • Henry (15', 22', 29')
  • boots (38')

Tom Emes 3:02
Matthew Sumpton 3:07
Tom Emes 3:35
Tom Emes 3:53
Tom Emes 4:41
5:28 brent gray
Tom Emes 6:47
Matthew Sumpton 8:23
End of Spawtz.Query.External.Fixtures.SoccerFeedViewModel+Period
7 - 1
Tom Emes 11:10
15:45 Matthew Henry
Matthew Sumpton 17:19
18:26 brent gray
Tom Emes 19:19
End of Spawtz.Query.External.Fixtures.SoccerFeedViewModel+Period
10 - 3
22:44 Matthew Henry
Matthew Sumpton 24:36
corey burton 27:09
Guy Struthers 29:03
29:46 Matthew Henry
End of Spawtz.Query.External.Fixtures.SoccerFeedViewModel+Period
13 - 5
31:37 brent gray
Tom Emes 33:27
Matthew Sumpton 34:49
aiden boots 35:46
38:19 aiden boots